Remember the last time you felt truly happy?

Was it today, yesterday, this week, this month, if not then, when?

Or is it more common that you feel:

  • Overwhelmed and chaotic.

  • Exhausted from juggling too many things.

  • You're not making progress and going round in circles.

  • Out of balance and lacking self belief.

  • Worried what others might think.

  • Feeling like a fraud or afraid of failing.

  • Not good enough.

  • Isolated with no support.

    You can change, you just need to take the first step. I can help feel like the old you but with an upgrade for 2025!

    We all deserve to be happy. Dont you want to fall in love with your life again?

About Me


Im Anna Shears, a qualified Positive Psychologist (MSc) and accredited Coach Practitioner (EMCC).

I am passionate about helping people live a happier life.
My career began with nearly 25 years in the healthcare sector, where I worked with Government Ministers, national leaders and healthcare professionals to shape healthcare policy and drive transformation. These experiences gave me a profound understanding of the challenges people face and a passion for creating meaningful connections.

Despite outward success, I faced my own struggles with low self-worth and limiting beliefs. Therapy helped me realise Id had undiagnosed high functioning depression for years, in part due to the perfect storm of abandonment trauma and five years of domestic abuse in my first relationship as a young adult.

Discovering positive psychology during this time was a turning point that not only transformed my perspectives but sparked a passion to help people see themselves as others do, truly amazing humans!

Now, as a positive psychology coach, I empower leaders and business owners to know they are enough by building self belief, renewed self confidence and resilience. My coaching philosophy is that everyone already has the answers within themselves to solve their own problems and unlock their potential.

Clients achieve success without sacrificing happiness, in fact we build on those foundations and amplify what you love to do and what makes you feel good. I combine the latest evidence-based positive psychology strategies with empathy, ensuring every client feels seen, heard, and supported.

Outside of coaching, I’m a proud mum, lover of house music & holidays, and believe you are never too old to have fun!!

Much love, Anna x


Years Working with Senior Leaders


Years Immersed in Positive Psychology


What can I help you achieve?

Using the power of positive psychology.


You break down limiting beliefs and become who you were meant to be.


You know what you want to achieve and how to get there.


You identify and work to your strengths, so you can do more of what you love.


You move out of your comfort zone and feel energised.


You feel relief from overwhelm and are in control.


You are connected to others who inspire you.


You anticipate challenges and move forward with ease.

Self Belief

You feel proud, empowered and worthy.

Believe In The Magic

Of Your

Own Potential.

Want to receive regular life learnings and positive psychology inspired tips?

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Your mindset is the foundation of success in your life & business.

I can show you how.



From playing small to owning your expertise.

  • Create unshakeable self-belief and resilience in yourself & see your business come to life.

  • Overcome imposter feelings and self doubt so you can show up and be visible.

  • Confidently grow your business - reach more clients or launch new offers to help more people.

  • Taught by a positive psychologist using proven evidence based techniques to get results.

  • 8 weeks of live training mixed with group coaching.

£497- £1997*


If you want to change your world, change yourself!

  • Do more of what you love without sacrificing your success or happiness.

  • Strengthen your resilience so you can face challenges with ease.

  • Overcome limiting beliefs and fall in love with your life again.

  • Bespoke 90 minute deep dive in one session.

  • Or continued support

    over 6 weekly sessions.

  • * Corporate costs vary



Reset your confidence, reclaim your life!

  • Online self study course to help you feel more confident and capable.

  • Unlock your strong, self assured mindset using science backed tools.

  • Stop second guessing & rebuild your self belief.

  • Make decisions without spiralling into self doubt.

  • Designed for busy people:

    5 videos lessons, a workbook & journal prompts.

  • 2X BONUS: confidence meditation & limiting beliefs cheat sheet included.


What They Say



the authentic imposter co. ®

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LS24 0BW


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